Sunday, October 25, 2009

WVU wins again!

WVU beat UCONN yesterday!!!! Daddy and Hunter were cheering them on with Hunter's little lion.
Oh and last weekend WVU beat the crap out of Marshall.... that is what Hunter is braggin about to JP!!!!!
Hunter ... " We kicked their butts.... see like this! "

Hunter meets his New Buddy

Hunter meet his cousin JP last week. Mommy and Daddy were hoping JP was teaching Hunter how to sleep at night when they were talking, but we think our stubborn red head was not listening. We think it went more like this....
JP "You just lay there and stay asleep all night and your mom rewards you in the morning"
Hunter " NAH my reward is watching my mom and dad try to stay awake...hehehehehhe"

Monday, October 12, 2009

2 Months Old!

Hunter is 2 months old !!!! He amazes me everyday!!! If I was not there when he was born I would swear he was older, he acts like such a little man already!

Hunter's First Bar

Hunter and Daddy at Hunter's first bar in Berkeley Springs, WV. If you look close Hunter is flipping me off... he does that often!!!!! Hunter had such a good time playing with Mommy and Daddy!